Online Resources


Useful applications related to the course topics. To ease the development, before installing any software please read the guide about the creation of a private software workspace

  • The Java Platform, Standard Edition (suggested version for a.y. 2024/2025: 22)
  • Apache NetBeans (suggested version for a.y. 2024/2025: 22)
    A Java IDE, useful to develop web applications
  • Apache Tomcat (suggested version for a.y. 2024/2025: 10.1.29)
    A free and open source HTTP web server supporting the Java/Jakarta Servlet technology
  • Notepad++
    A good editor for code and scripts
  • Postman
    An API platform for building and using APIs
  • Swagger Editor
    Design, describe, and document your API on the first open source editor supporting multiple API specifications and serialization formats
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apache HTTPComponents Client
    A simple and powerful library to create and execute HTTP requests
  • Slim framework
    A PHP micro framework useful for developing RESTful APIs
  • HTTPful
    A simple PHP library to use the HTTP protocol
  • JQuery
    A small, fast, powerful library for effective cross-browser programming

Unordered and often not updated collection of useful links to study and deepen your knowledge about the course topics